INtegration of sustainable deVelOpment goaLs in uniVErsities for better climate change management – INVOLVE

Project: 619313-EPP-1-2020-1-EG-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP


The project is a capacity building project in the field of higher education aiming to build a strategy for the achievement of the SDGs to transform a higher education institute in Egypt into an Environmentally Sustainable Campus-. A university approach to address problems and target groups with their needs (listed in D1) is a must. The scope of the project falls into a wider objective as: Strengthening the role of the Egyptian Universities in the achievement of the environmental Sustainable Development Goals “SDGs” through enhancing their organizational governance capacities, creating current and future SDGs implementers, and upgrading their operational facilities necessary to the implementation of innovative practices for the achievement of the environmental SDGs.

Granted by:

Erasmus + EAC/A02/2019

KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education

Important Links:

Total Grant Requested: 836,594.00 €.
